Monday, March 21, 2011

Making It Happen

I'm not sure what It is yet but when I do I'll let you know.

If you have not inspired by Lara Casey yet then you need to get going. Lara is a passionate.on fire.go getter who shares her inspiration and enthusiasm with everyone.

As a business woman she is an amazing inspiration. She has grown her franchise and it now includes wedding consultant, magazine editor, marketing consultant, professional speaker, and brand management. She even hosts a 10 to 15 city tour throughout the United States called "Making Things Happen". It is a complete inspirational/educational conference encouraging attendees to make the most of their business life and personal life and just encourages people to go for their dreams. It's a conference that I aspire to attend within the next few years.

I have had a love/hate relationship with Lara Casey for the past few years. She is so inspirational because she just flows with good advice and encouragement but she is such an intimidating woman because she has become so successful on her own. I strive to be like her.

As most of you know, I've been working on establishing my photography business. At first I had the mindset that it would just be a little side thing that I would use to keep my creativity flowing and an outlet from my 9-5. Over the past few months, things have been changing in my life and I am now striving to make the most out of my business and my career. I'm not one to be passive. I am normally an all out, passionate, push to the extreme person. I feel like I got lost in someone elses dream and I got comfortable in my work life and became content. Being content is never a good thing. One should always want more of life.

I have started reading Lara Casey's tumblr and blog again. I want more out of life. I want more out of my life. I want to make my life and my business happen. I'm too young and to educated to work for someone else's dream until retirement.

While driving with the top down today , I was thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. And I kept coming back to something my Daddy used to say to me all through high school and college. My Daddy use to look at me, especially when I became frustrated, and he would say, "Just keep working at it because you'd rather be someones boss than to have a boss" and he was always right. I'm never going to be happy being someone's micro-managed employee. I want to be somebody!

In life there are 3 types of people needed to make a job work. You need a driver, a cart, and a horse. The driver is the leader, the decision maker, the encourager. The cart is the person who has good ideas, makes a great assistant or co-leader but lacks the drive to get things done. The horse is the person who helps to pull the team along. They take great direction and don't really have an opinion yet they are important to the movement of the team. They help to move the team forward while the cart helps to take the load off of the team. It's ok to be the cart or the horse but it's not ok for me to be either. I want to be the driver.

I'm working on taking control of my life. I began working out again today. Not because I want to loose weight but because I want to feel better about myself. I feel like my weight causes people to perceive me as lazy or slobbish which I am neither of but as long as I am doing cardio daily I will at least know that I did something to improve myself. I have been working hard finding marketing outlets, improving my overall brand, and fine tuning my business plan for Sarah Michelle Photography. I've been focused more at my 9to5 and working on my resume. And Hubs and I have decided that we will be making a life change in August, which includes moving!

I want to make the best out of 2011 and I am almost a quarter into 2011. I have to make up for lost time and get moving!

Also, if you are intersted in looking into Lara Casey you can find Lara Casey Reps here: Her tumblr here: And her magazine Southern Weddings here:

I hope you become inspired!



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