Sunday, August 14, 2011

So aggravated at myself

So I'm aggravated with myself.

Over the past few weeks some things have happened at work that I never expected to happen. Needless to say, in less than 6 weeks I have been given lots more responsibility than I expected. I'm excited about my new responsibility and my rolls I am taking on but at the same time there is never enough time in my day.

I go to work at 8:00 and I leave at 6:00 normally without leaving the office, not even for lunch.

This weekend my boss asked if something had been done and I had assumed that my intern has done it and it was done. Well, come to find out it had not. And now the more I sit here and think about it the more aggravated I become. This is my project, and my client and I expected my intern (whom I really like, work well with and trust) to get this done. And I never followed up with him. I should have followed up with him. I should have double-checked to make sure that this was done. And I'm not talking like life threatening and end of the world here but I am talking about holding my project up a few days because I didn't manage my project and my intern. I got so caught up in the other projects that I was working on that I forgot to go back to my intern about a simple email. A simple fucking email and I forgot. I should NEVER forget to double check on tasks. And I should never become so focused on my own work that I forget about the work being done by those around me.

I have got to get this position together. And I'm not sure how I'm going to do this yet but I am going to do it. I now feel twice as motivated to go into work tomorrow and say, "Things have to change" and how do I do this? I am the master implementer!!

This week at work my boss and I have had a lot of discussions on my role within the company and taking a hold of my position and my duties and really making them my own. Managing them and molding them. In the end it all falls down on me. I need to quickly learn how to manage myself so I can manage those around me.



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