Monday, September 10, 2012

Some time you need a little Shove

Well, in the last 3 days my life has drastically changed.

I received a pay cut and a wonderful opportunity at work and God blessed me with a transition job in the meantime.

I accepted the transition job but over the weekend something just felt wrong.

I felt like I was giving up my Big Dream. The dream that God had laid on my heart. The dream that I've always carried with me. I felt like by taking the new job I was saying no to my dream. I felt like my dream didn't mean anything thing when it means everything.

Today I took my big dream and I told my boss. The first person out of my very, close, tight group of confidants. Not that I don't trust my boss but she is one tough cookie and I knew she'd be a straight shooter. Thankfully she was loving and kind and supportive. She was brutally honest and blurted out that it would never work. The more we sat and the more we talked, the more she understood my big dream. And the more she became my support.

I'm waiting on my lender to come through and my goal is by the time I walk out of ITI, crying all the way, I will have my loan in hand to walk into my store smiling and thanking God for the blessing of life.

I'm still stuck on transition job. And to be honest, it's the furthest from my mind. My heart tells me to let it go and to have faith in God and the blessings he provides. My heart tells me to have just the smallest ounce of faith to know that in His own time, God will provide.

God's been telling me for months to let go of my fear and doubt and to let Him lead. I fought God and I did things the Sarah way because that's what I do. Well, this past week God pushed me out of the way and has taken control. I feel so empowered and blessed and I'm anxious for the next few months in my life.

I'm not anxious about what is to come. I'm anxious to see what God has planned for me. I know the store is in the works but I'm anxious to see what blessings God flows upon my life and my family and the community. God has big plans in store and He's working through me to fulfill His needs. I'm not sure where I fit into God's plan but I know He's using me for something much, much bigger than myself.

With God by my side, all things are possible. And I'm ready to do his will!!


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